Embrace the Experience ~ Leading Lady Films

The movie experience is everything. Here at Leading Lady Films, the experiences we provide are unique. Our philosophy is to give viewers an awesome experience when they view our films. It is our goal to showcase leading ladies in film in the best possible roles within the screenplays we author and to film them in the best possible light in a beautiful film environment. We also strive to provide an awesome script for other producers that will enhance their production toward a successful motion picture that can touch the mind, body and spirit.

The founder of Leading Lady Films is Independent Filmmaker, Maggie Campbell, a Producer, Director, Scriptwriter and Profession.

     Maggie Campbell began in Children’s Theater at the  age of 10 during the Summer Day Camp Programs. The traveling theater stage was made out of a school bus, retrofitted with a fold out stage and a built-in compartment for costumes and wardrobe changes. The Children’s Theater traveled from community to community where it met groups of children that performed on its stage. Maggie performed in theatrical versions of Snow White, The Wizard of Oz, and other productions made from popular children’s books for more than 5 years. Preferring directing and scripting writing over acting, Maggie enrolled in college and majored in Music and Theater. She sang in the soprano section of the school choir and played several instruments including the lead and bass guitars, drums, and other percussion instruments.

Maggie Campbell, Independent Filmmaker

She formed her own Female band called, ‘Spice’, a multi-ethnic group – performing top 40 light rock and rhythm and blues. She later wrote a musical about the band in tribute to her best friend, the band’s keyboard player, who passed away during her second year of college. Many of the band members went their separate ways, leaving the city. Maggie Campbell continued on and began serving as the Stage Director and Writer in the theater department. She wrote her 2nd  Musical Stage play within these two years, a tribute to the jazz singer, Billy Holiday of whom her classmates felt she resembled.  She has since converted the stage play into a motion picture screenplay.  She co-produced 3 theatrical plays in her first two years in college leaving early to serve in the United States Navy.

While in the Navy, during her off days she competed singing contests with music performed by the Navy band. After leaving the Navy, she was accepted into the Film Department at San Francisco State University. She studied film with an emphasis on Directing and Scriptwriting.  By the time she entered her junior year, she had already written more than 25 full featured film screenplays, 2 novels, several short stories and 2 theatrical [musical] stage plays. She made her first student film in her senior year. Finding her work to be far superior than what she could ever learn in the beginners and advanced classes, the Dean and the Professors of the Department allowed her to test out of the classes, where she earned an A+ in the program.

To date, Maggie Campbell have written screenplays in various genres including,  but not limited to: Science Fiction, Biographies, Musicals, Drama, Action and Thrillers. she has also written several musical stage plays as well.  With a large collection of material to work from, Maggie Campbell is currently in Pre-Production on a romantic drama from her collection.